Closer to Fine

"The hardest to learn was the least complicated."

Monday, October 03, 2005

What is this, Ticketmaster?!?!?

You may notice when you try to comment now that I've put on word verification for my comments. I didn't really want to do it, but as it turns out I've gotten a string of spam comments - where it looks like the person is commenting (Hey, really like your blog, I've bookmarked it and will continue to follow your progress!) but then they try to sell you something (I've got a blog on all the cheapest cellular phone accessories out there - check it out! *insert web address here*). So, to see if I can stop this, I'm adding word verification. Sorry to make the extra step there for ya, but really...aren't I worth the effort? ;)

I've got a few ideas rolling around in my head...but I'm in the midst of job upheaval so I'll do what I can when I can in the next few weeks. Keep checking in!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Mom: What? You don't like spam??? But it is so tasty! When I was a child
(WIWAC), my Mom would occasionally serve us fried spam sandwiches, on white bread, with yellow mustard. Suppose to be maybe rainy and an overnight low in the upper 40's here on Thursday. Love, Mom

1:29 PM  
Blogger Ellobie said...

When I was in Hawaii, I noticed that they have spam & egg breakfast sandwiches. Unfortunately, I never woke up early enough to try one...


10:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! I just discovered your site when doing a google search for "child life specialist." Low and behold, I found your site. I am studying to be a child life specialist too, and I wanted to ask you a question or two if its not too much trouble. Is there anyway I could email you privately? Sorry this is like completely unrelated to your spamming post. Thanks:)


11:48 AM  
Blogger Ellobie said...

I love ticketmaster. They are my new favorite people ever.

11:51 AM  

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