Closer to Fine

"The hardest to learn was the least complicated."

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Commence the random acts of public silliness!

OK. Here's the deal:

I've been looking at my blogs. I have decided that I have been far to introspective and gloomy for my own good. Things have been way super-stressed lately, and they are ever-so-slightly easing up now, and I'm thinking I'm gloomy because a) I've been stressed, and b) I've clearly been neglecting my friends.

So, to that end, I'm going to lay off the blog this weekend. I think. I'm going to do work, and when I'm trying really hard not to work (read: all the time) I'm going to email my friends; which is something I'm already horrible about keeping up with and I think the blog might be affecting that slightly. I'm going to actively pursue being a good friend.

In the meantime, I won't leave you hanging with nothing to do. My friend Adam has got a really funny blog you can check out, and I'll also leave you with an experiment.

That's right, an experiment. It sounds, well, iffy...but if you're into making a bunch of adults act like total 5 year olds in public without much effort, this kind of research is for you. I've been conducting this experiment informally for the past two or so years, and I'd love for you to continue my research, take it further out into the world, and report back to me. Here goes:

What you do is you stick your tongue out and blow a raspberry. You know, the sound that is often spelled Thbbbbbt! Now, do it in front of a mirror. Does your top lip move or your bottom lip? Everyone does this with one lip or another. I am a top lipper. What are you? Now that you've figured out your lip-ness, here are two further activities: 1) try to do it with the other lip. It's difficult! and 2) Make other people do this, preferably in large groups. It's just unique enough and silly enough that nobody's ever heard of it and everybody is curious to try it out. It's fantastic - groups of usually well-behaved adults blowing raspberries in a multitude of public places because curiosity has gotten the better of them.

OK, do research. Report back (there is a comments feature, you know). Read Adam's blog, and all the others I have previously linked. You'll survive just fine for a few days without me. See you on the flip side!


Blogger Adam said...

woohoo! publicity. Now the pressure is on for the daily postings.

11:35 AM  
Blogger Kristy said...

Oops...I'm an idiot. I'm a top-lipper, to, Em. I just changed it on the blog, since I originally posted I was a bottom-lipper. I'm not. I'm a top-lipper. That's it.

2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Top lippers, unite!

10:42 PM  
Blogger Ellobie said...

Sorry, that Anon was me. I thought I picked my name, but must not have. And I found a bottom-lipper! Anne of Jacksonville, in case you're wondering.

1:20 PM  

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