Closer to Fine

"The hardest to learn was the least complicated."

Monday, November 15, 2004

Changing the world, one blog at a time....

OK, I wasn't going to post because I'm totally stressed out this week, and right now what I need to be doing is going to bed so I don't lose any more sleep than I already have, but I'm so, SO, SOOOOOOOOOOOO very excited about the ideas that are coming through on this blog. Keep it up, my socially conscious readers! Seriously, if there are other issues you'd like to discuss, I'm totally open to this being a forum. I'll tell you what I think on issues you want to discuss, and you can tell me I'm an idiot or I'm brilliant. =)

Anyhow, I'm going to go from high-brow, solving-the-world's-problems blogging to low-brow, this-is-really-random-but-I'm-curious blogging for tonight, as I don't have time to really get into much else:

Anyone know where the phrase "I have to pee like a racehorse" comes from? Is there something special about the way racehorses pee? Is it super-fast? Or just a lot? And is it more than other horses? What in the heck is that phrase all about?

I'm serious, folks. No lie - I can be introspective and somewhat deep, or I can be silly and have frivolous thoughts such as the one above. Today we're on the Silly. Tomorrow? Who knows?

On a side note, check out my friend Michelle's blog. She's got some fun stuff to say, too...especially for the late 20's single crowd. I can relate to some of her single-ton thoughts. Not now, per se, since I am involved with someone, but just in general. Anyway, she rules, and you should check her out.

Don't expect too too much in the way of posts this week. I'm barely keeping my head above water right now, so although this is a great procrastination tool, I'm past the point of being able to procrastinate. But I just couldn't help posting tonight, as I was feeling so inspired by the level of responses. I love that some of you really want to help me change the world, and some of you just love my sense of humor. That's great, because it's what this blog is all about: my thoughts, my personality. Sometimes it's proactive political/societal change, sometimes it's all about fun. YAY! By the way, if you're so inspired, feel free to let your friends know about the blog, even if they don't know me. If you think they'd be struck by something I've posted, and especially if you think they'd be so struck they'd want to respond, I'm all about sparking conversation and connection.

OK, just a few more things to do and I'm hitting the hay (she said as her phone rang). Have a lovely week!

music: Music? Who has time for that? I'm too hosed to take time to find a CD and put it in my computer and pull it up and play it. I can't even be bothered to find something on my Itunes to put on repeat. However, I *did* just get the special edition CD of Howie Day's "Stop All the World Now," so I'm yearning for the time in just a few short hours when I will be able to put it into my car CD player and bask in the loveliness that is Howie Day as I drive the crazy commute to my internship.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Mom - hope you are less stressed. I asked a friend and she said that maybe it had something to do with giving race horses Lasik (a diuretic) to help with inflamation (who knew?) I think we are batting zero here. This one may have to go down as one of those great unknown/unresolved mysteries of the universe.

5:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, here are a couple of meanings I found, I have heard the second one before...

Horses, it turns out, don't always feel comfortable urinating just anywhere. Show horses and racehorses spend a great deal of time in their pens and come to feel safe and secure there. They don't like to urinate outside of those pens and in many cases won't.
In fact show and racehorses are frequently returned to their pens to allow them to urinate. Hence racehorses are often walking around outside of their pens with an urgent need to urinate.

Alternatively, this phrase originated in the practice (currently illegal, I believe) of giving diuretics to racehorses. The horse would then urinate substantially and drop a few pounds in the process. Voila! A lighter, faster, somewhat dehydrated horse.

btw, this is Laura

10:03 AM  
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12:24 AM  

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