Closer to Fine

"The hardest to learn was the least complicated."

Thursday, April 14, 2005

I have funny friends.

Weird friends, mind you, but funny friends nonetheless.

There's a group of folks up here I like to hang out with when I have free time (read: once every few months - although hopefully that will increase soon as I transition from the student world to the world of paying off student debt, a.k.a. the job world). How I met these people is neither here nor there, really, just know that they're all wicked smaht and a lot of fun.

They like to throw random parties and send out random emails here and there, and since I don't have time for a real blog post (yup, still hosed) I thought I'd get a laugh for you from their sordid history.

Follow the link at the end of this paragraph (I promise it's not porn). Read the whole thing, then come back and hear the story. OK, go.

So, these boys were throwing a party. In all reality, it was just a party for them and their friends...nothing special, and NO THEME. So they sent out an email, the transcript of which is in the above link. Now, these are silly boys, keep in mind, so they like to make things interesting, which is why the party invite is so bizarre. But it was all just for laughs.

However, they also decided to try something that I find a fascinating experiment. They put the website of the above link on a dozen eggs, and then went into several grocery stores and replaced one normal egg in a few cartons with an egg marked with the invite website.

Here's what's great: people showed up from the eggs. I mean, I guess I would expect it...the world's a crazy place, but if I found a website on my egg, I'd probably check it out, and then throw out the egg, but not go to the party. Anyway, random people showed up, a fair number (more than the number of strategically-placed eggs; indicating that the egg-folk passed the website along), and the best part is this: they expected a gay sex party. Which, I guess...seeing as how the webvite denies that it is a gay sex party so many times that it might seem like it really was...the whole "methinks the lady doth protest too much" sort of thing....but still.....

Anyway, I'm usually laughing too hard at the fact that not only did my friends think this up, but they carried it out and it worked to listen to what they did with all their random egg-folk. Most likely they kindly explained the joke and invited them in for beer, but no gay sex. In any case, these people are just one of the many reasons I want to stay here in Boston. Yes, people are crazy here, but somehow that makes me feel normal. I fit in. (insert ear-to-ear grin here)

If you've got crazy friends too (and you probably do, since most of my readers are already my friends)...and have crazy stories to share...send 'em in the comments, and then readers can enjoy them too while I continue my pseudo-sabbatical.

In the meantime, I'm headed to a Sox game tomorrow night. Fenway franks and overpriced beer, HERE I COME!


Blogger Ellobie said...

Hmm. I'm a little scared to visit Boston now.

4:28 PM  
Blogger KMC said...

Hey Kristy...

I just wanted to say that I'm sorry that they didn't pick you to be pope. You'd have been great.

Stupid Germans.



4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Mom - Funny, funny story! Ellobie still has not told us that she is visiting Btown when we are visiting Btown. :-)

8:25 PM  
Blogger Ellobie said...

Perhaps that is because I thought I was going to Boston! What is this Btown you speak of? Is it similar to Chi-town? :D

12:29 PM  

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