Closer to Fine

"The hardest to learn was the least complicated."

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Light Girl and her powerful Twisting Toes

I am a superhero. You are a superhero. We all have a superhero inside of us, and every day it changes. If you can't figure out on your own what your superhero identity is for the day, head to this site and find out. Here's my profile for today:

Name: Light Girl
Secret Identity: Kristy Ashworth
Special Power: Twisting Toes
Transportation: Shamu the Elephant
Weapon: Photon Flare
Costume: Carbonite Snow Suit
Sidekick: Black Dan
Nemesis: Eric the Crafty
Tragic Flaw: Addicted to sugar
Favorite Food: Chow Mein

I don't know what I'm more excited about: the fact that I get to ride an elephant, or that the website figured out that I am, indeed, addicted to sugar. Eerie.

You may be thinking, what's this all about, Kristy? Why are you telling us this? Well, other than keeping with the procrastination purpose of the blog by providing you with yet another website you can visit daily and find amusing, I have been thinking a great deal lately about this question:

If you could have a superhero power, what would it be?

Now, think about this before you answer. I've asked a few friends, and the most common answer is flying. I agree, flying would be cool. And well, invisibility would be useful...for finding out things you want to know, or for seeing things you don't get to see normally. I have given this some serious thought, and here is my run-down of the positives and negatives of superhero powers:

invisibility/reading minds: I suppose this would be a good thing, if you're incessantly curious about things you don't know. And, knowing me, this would be perfect for me. But here's the thing: I'm pretty happy finding out things the way I do. And I think if I knew some of what I don't find out of what other people think or do, it might make me sad. There's something to be said for the bliss of ignorance. So i choose neither of these. Although useful in very specific situations, for me they'd cause more harm than good.

flying: Well, yeah. This one's pretty cool. I don't necessarily have an argument against it, except that everyone chooses it, and I tend to shy away from the hip and trendy. But we'll keep it in reserve, as I don't have a real argument against it yet.

healing others: This is the one I used to choose. I think it would be a pretty good one to do, you'd feel great about yourself and, well, what a fantastic thing to do. Here's the issue that I recently developed with this one: how do you decide who deserves to get healing and who doesn't? I don't feel qualified to do this, it's part of the reason I really respect judges and I kind of fear being on a jury. I like to be right, all the time, and I don't know that I could feel that I was always right with this power. So I'm on the fence. I'd really like to heal others, but I'm not sure I could handle the responsibility.

control the weather: This one might be cool. You could just let the weather do it's thing, but then on important days, you could fix stuff. Nice weather for a Sox game, or your wedding, or if you wanted to get out of running outside one day you could make it rain, or produce snow for someone who's never seen it. You'd just have to keep in mind the whole effects on things like crops and local events and stuff, but that's doable.

shoot fire/water/ice out of your eyes/hands/etc.: I'm really not sure what I'd use this for. You only get one, usually, and well...I don't usually run into situations where I so desperately need fire/water/ice that it has to come out of my body. I guess if I were a backpacker these would all come in handy.

being able to sit up without falling over: My dad suggested this one. When I told him that's not a superhero power, he said it was for him. So, there you go. I don't choose this one, but some people might!

In the end, there's tons of powers. Feel free to use the comments features and let me know what you'd pick! I'd be very interested to know. (You can also feel free to pick ones that I haven't listed here.) I think I will stick with my current superhero power - klutziness. That may not sound like a superhero power to you, but it is to me. I'm exceptionally talented at being a klutz - more so than most others - and it brings a lot of laughter to those around me. And that's not such a bad superhero power after all - bringing smiles to other people's faces. And I'll just go tandem skydiving again when I want the sensation of flying.

In the meantime I'll be exploring what I can do with my Twisting Toes today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Mom:
This is scary! The site says:

Your Superhero Identity For Today Is:

Name: Gravity Snake
Secret Identity: Jayne Ashworth
Special Power: Flaming Tentacles
Transportation: Quantum Bicycle
Weapon: Quantum Pistol
Costume: Bulletproof Booties
Sidekick: Festus
Nemesis: Tim the Yodeller
Tragic Flaw: Addicted to email
Favorite Food: Strawberries

Hmmm. Snakes are not normally a favorite of mine (there may be those who cuddle with snakes, but it has not been a pasttime of mine ...) but do I identify with having an affinity for gravity! And it is just a name. As the Bard said in Romeo and Juliet, "... What's in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet; ...". I am not certain what flaming tentacles are going to do for me, nor where a snake has tentacles, but will assume that I will be able to make a smore anytime I want ... I like the idea of a quantum bicycle and am not certain how my tentacles will handle a quantum pistol (perhaps a water pistol???) Bulletproof booties??? That's a trip! I have always been in awe of those who can sing, but have never thought of them as a nemesis - they usually enrich me so much. Here's where it gets really scary: I AM addicted to email. Big time. And I like strawberries. How did the web site know???

5:36 PM  

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