Closer to Fine

"The hardest to learn was the least complicated."

Monday, December 20, 2004

In the Blink of an Eye

Suddenly it's Monday. What happened?

You'd think now that I'm done with school I'd blog less because there's no homeword to avoid. Not reality, there's always something to be avoided. Fear Not.

It was a marvelous weekend, y'all. My friends came to visit, and we spent the weekend doing what we do best: being us. Some of it was spent doing the Boston tourist thing (going to a show, visiting the North End for pizza and canolis, going out to a bar, Cheers, historical graveyards, ice skating, etc) and some of it was spent being silly (big breakfast, yahtzee, photo ops, etc), but all of it was spent being us. Moments that stick out in my head: me falling down from a complete stand-still (no lie - my feet somehow flew out from underneath me and suddenly my rear end and the ice were kissing), the collective gasp that uncontrollably emitted from Bonnie, Debb and me as we finally saw Barrage jump in a circle while playing the fiddle, and Bonnie making snow angels today. The most memorable, though, was the moment I had Saturday night as I lay on the air mattress and we all sat around just talking. As I lay there, I felt at home. Yes, we were at my house. But that wasn't what made it home. There's something about spending time with people who know you, who love you, that makes it home. It occurred to me that it Just Felt Right for us to all be that way - I forgot that it was unusual to have Noel (from Illinois), Debb (from Connecticut), Bonnie (from Florida), Erica (from Massachusetts), and me (from Boston for the moment) all in the same place. And at that moment, when I realized how special it was to have all of us together, and how normal it felt, I realized that I was Home. That we could all be in Siberia and it would still feel like Home. And that's some really good stuff. I'm a lucky girl.

As an update to an earlier post: at dinner tonight Daniel pointed out that pirates are probably usually too drunk to beat a ninja in a fight. I forgot about the drunk factor - that probably makes it very difficult for them to aim properly when catching the throwing stars in their wooden legs. In the end, I think it's best we all just campaign for pirate-ninja peace. I mean, really, can't we all just get along?

OK. As always, there's more, but Erica complained that the posts are getting too long for a good break, so I'm going to keep it short. She needs good study breaks, she's swamped with exams and moving right now. Good luck, Erica! I know you can do it. And I'm glad we'll be seeing each other again in a week and a half, even if it means that you're moving far away from me again. Have a safe journey.

And to the rest of you: find a small way to make a difference in someone else's life today. Coax out a smile from someone, clean someone else's dishes while you're doing your own, something easy and small, but something that makes someone else's life just a tiny bit better and easier. I watched Patch Adams yesterday, and it reminded me (as it always does) how easy it is to help others. So now I'm going to save you the hour and a half of movie-watching time and just remind you here. Good luck!

music: an eclectic I Tunes mix tonight..."Baby It's You" by Jo Jo, "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey, "Pictures of You" by The Cure, and "Love's Divine" by Seal.


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